Just a quick heads up that the PEL and Table Layout files on the Southern Front site have been updated. Click on the Southern Front tab at the top of the site to get to the convention’s main page. The PEL and Table Layout are linked in a table on that page.
Also, here is a note from the game Scheduler Peter Hume –
” Southern Front is weeks away now, and the schedule of games is filling out nicely. There are multiple people who have said they wanted to run a game and i’m waiting on their submissions (nudge, cajole, prod, smile). There is still space available. Friday afternoon and Sunday are WIDE open. Other times there is still availability..especially as a few of the GMs have said they would move to another day or time to accommodate. So hurry up and send in your submissions.
The Eighteenth Century on is pretty well covered (apart from British Colonial…can never have too much of that pip pip, and Naval). A bit of a gap before that point…if anyone fancied running an earlier period…would add to the diversity.
GMs who have already submitted a game, please check the PEL to make sure your game is listed and is accurate. If there is an error please send an email back to me at peterhume3562 AT gmail DOT com so I can correct.”