Southern Front 2016 – Another successful year thanks to attendees and GMs!

We are sorry several folks were unable to attend due to the incoming hurricane Mathew! We hope to see everyone next year! Many many thanks to everyone that were able to break through and attend. Also many thanks to all attendees that gave patronage to the hotel restaurant and bar room as that will absolutely help keep the overall costs down as we move forwards. I will be re-vamping the entire TSS website in the coming two months here, including a new game scheduling system (up to and including pre event signing up for game slots). We’ll see how many bells and whistles I can get into it, but I do plan on it being very easy to use but powerful in its ability to pre-show everyone the PEL and table assignments much easier than in cons past. More on that after I code it for a month+ here.

A couple initial galleries are over here on the Historical Miniatures community of G+ –